
Paldeck Entry

In the dark of night, this Pal snatches prey to bring back to its territory. What happens to those poor souls afterwards isn’t too hard to imagine.


Incineram is a large, intimidating Pal resembling a satyr. It is fairly tall (roughly 180-190 cm, assuming the player avatar is around 180 cm) and predominantly black in colour, with a bright red-orange appearing on its stomach, forearms and hands, hooved feet, muzzle, and the inside of its triangular ears. The head is fairly small and triangular in shape, with a tapering snout. Trailing from behind the head is a large waist-long bundle of black and red-orange hair that is tied into a short “tail” at the end. Around its shoulders, upper torso, and the base of its hooves are large tufts of white fur. It has long digitigrade legs, and its forearms are thicker than its biceps, ending in bony three-clawed hands each. There is also a small red claw at the back of each foot. It has lavender-coloured eyes that seem perpetually angry at all times.

Breaking up this colour scheme of white, black, and red are several bony protrusions found on the head and torso; namely, four parts wrapped around the sides in a ribcage-like fashion, a chest spike, and perhaps most distinctively, a pair of large goat-like horns that curve up and away.


While it can be found naturally in the most south-western parts of the map, players are most likely to have their first encounter with this creature as a nasty raider, whether they’re helping Syndicate NPC’s in the early game, or leading an invasion of others of either its own kind, or a gang of Leezpunks at higher levels.

It is a swift, highly aggressive, and destructive combatant, and especially devastating in groups. May woe befall those who built their buildings and foundations entirely out of wood when an invasion of these Pals occurs, without bothering to transition even some of their base to more fire-resistant stone-built foundations yet. If such an event happens to someone, with their house, storage, and crafting facilities razed to the ground, and having to spending a long period of time scavenging up the resources left behind (and sending those that didn’t make it back to the Palbox) and re-organising everything again, it is best to let that event be a wake-up call for deciding on increased importance in stone infrastructure and base defence as they recover.

In its own habitat, this Pal is active at any time of the day (due to it being a Dark-type Pal rather than simply being nocturnal), so there is no need to worry about them disappearing when the sun rises in the horizon, if a player is seeking one out. Rather strangely, they can on occasion be found interacting with Leezpunks in the wild, suggesting an odd friendship of sorts. The two sometimes fight together in the wild, and as mentioned earlier, Leezpunk raids on player bases are often led by an Incineram. Much like their raiding behaviour, they are very aggressive, and will viciously go on the attack the moment it spots the player within its field of vision. It has a preference for unleashing area-of-effect attacks from range, before closing in quickly with a melee attack, such as with its signature move “Hellfire Claw”.

If employed as a Base Pal, Incinerams will still continue working through the night, and won’t need beds to accommodate them, as they never sleep. If not tasked with anything, they’ll simply wander about the base. These traits are shared with other nocturnal Pals, despite technically not being one itself.

Partner Skill:

  • Flameclaw Hunter – When activated, attacks targeted enemy with a powerful Hellfire Claw

Work Suitability:

  •  Kindling 1
  •  Handiwork 2
  •  Transporting 2
  •  Mining 1

Possible Drops:

  •  Horn
  •  Leather

Active Skills

This Pal automatically learns the following skills when they reach the requisite level:

Pal Level name ct power description
Ignis Blast
Hurls a ball of fire straight at an enemy.
Spirit Fire
Shoots fireballs towards an enemy. The fireballs explode after a short distance, generating smaller fireballs that spread forward.
Flare Arrow
Fires three flaming arrows in succession that home in on an enemy.
Hellfire Claw
Incineram's exclusive skill. Draws near enemies using its left claw to slash them into the air before cutting them down with its right claw.
Shadow Burst
Quickly discharges dark energy, damaging those around it.
Fire Ball
Creates a giant ball of flame and hurls it at an enemy. The ball explodes over a wide area upon impact.
Ignis Rage
Energizes the surrounding ground, causing it to explode after a set amount of time.




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